10 October, 2008

Few Tips to turn your Home - a little greener

Green home is the one that utilize less electricity,less water and natural resources ,create less waste,and is healthier for the people living inside compared to a standard home .

You may follow some of the following tips to make your home a little greener.

Plug Air Leaks

Common leaks occur around windows,doors ,and other wall penetrations .
Plugging those leaks with weather stripping can be simple task for anyone and reduce your energy bills.

Choose Energy Star certified (or equivalent )appliances

Even if the first cost of energy star appliance looks costlier ,the higher efficiency will save your pocket .

Explore solar energy

Photo voltaic - a solar technology uses solar cells or solar photo voltaic arrays- to convert light from the sun directly in to electricity or heat -are increasingly available for residential use .Solar power can be harness to create electricity for your home, to heat the water , to improve indoor lighting.

Reduce Water Use

Install low flow faucets for your sinks and wash basin , switch to low -flow shower heads and low-flow toilets . Choose the laundry machine and dish washers which consumes less water .

Buy low - VOC products

Get your new home with a fresh start by switching to new products that don't give off volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) .Low or No VOC products will greatly improve the indoor air quality and helth of the occupants .Look for low VOC paints ,adhesives and cleaning products.

Use wood alternatives or FSC certified woods

For flooring and carpentary , use rapidly renewable materials such as linoleum,bamboo, recycled content tile or non -VOC carpet .Choose wood products from sustainably managed forests such as those certified by Forest Stewardsship Council(FSC)

Plant trees for shade and wind protection .

This simple steps can increase reduce your electricity bills for air conditioning and refrigeration while providing beautiful views around your home .

Grow only native or adaptive plants

Plant your yard with native or adaptive plants and avoid high maintenance landscape such as turf grass .
native plants can thrive with low care , less water, low pesticide and fertilizer .

Source : Green Blog

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